become a member of the Awakening Soul Tribe

Especially in the beginning, the Awakening can be a scary and confusing experience in particular when it is paired with the LightBodyProcess (LBP) which can truly rattle us to the core. It is for this reason that I started a circle so you can find support with a community of like-minded individuals and someone who can answer many of the questions that will come up for you on your journey. The goal is to

  • Lead us deeper within ourselves
  • Find greater clarity about who and what we are and where we are going
  • Find support while experiencing the LightBodyProcess (LBP)
  • Build a spiritual foundation that firmly carries us through Life
  • Cover “spiritual” topics relevant to our ascension
  • And more

Your membership in this group is meant to take you on an inspired journey of self-discovery where you benefit from both the guidance of someone who can potentially answer most of the questions you might have and the support of like-minded individuals. After all, sharing from the heart and reflecting on feedback, and also learning from others is how we grow — in the New Earth more so than ever before. The platform we use for the group is Telegram messenger, which can be navigated through both an App on your phone and via a desktop version.


“Lessons” are posted in PDF format at the beginning of each month. Within the first ten days, we meet for a live 1 hr Zoom meditation in which I use the Healy to transmit the respective frequencies of the topic into the group to inspire and trigger a learning process in each member. The rest of the month is dedicated to studying and engaging in productive mind-expanding exchange in the secret group.

Your membership contribution is your own choice.


Yes, you read that right.


My work is heart-based and carries an energy that runs counter to the current monetary system. I want it to stay in the heart zone, which is why I ask of you to contribute what you can from the heart. Whatever amount you choose as your monthly contribution can vary based on your income and how much the support offered here is worth to you. All I ask is that you honestly, freely give from the heart whatever feels right.


Your membership includes a special 25% off on one monthly Mentoring. My goal for the near future is to move toward offering my services purely on donation basis, so this is a transitional phase.


Becoming a member is easy. Send your monthly contribution through the PayPal button below, which is set up for subscription. If you rather send your energy exchange every month, please use the Donate button in the footer. You can cancel the membership at any time by canceling your subscription via PayPal. As soon as payment is received, I will invite you to the Telegram group. Of course, it helps to have the Telegram installed on your phone and desktop ;-).

Schedule of topics for the upcoming months: 

April 2021 - The Light Body Process (LBP) and why it is important
May 2021 - How to achieve heart / brain coherence
June 2021 - Shadowhunting

(as a member of the group, you have the chance to suggest topics of interest as well)

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